Do as I Say, Not as I Do
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One of the rules of content marketing is consistency. Posting regular content—on your blog, social media, email newsletter, etc.—is key to attracting potential customers, keeping current ones, and heightening your brand profile.
Meanwhile, I haven’t posted on this blog since September. Mea culpa. My excuse—that I was busy—is valid, as is the reality of an incredibly draining political season and the ongoing trauma of the pandemic. When I’ve been done with client work the last few months, I haven’t had a lot of energy left for myself and my own business.
That’s understandable, and I’m trying to be forgiving of myself. Indeed, we should all be gentle with each other and offer more grace during these extraordinarily trying times. But at the same time, keeping up good habits is important, and discipline brings order and structure to our days. Allowing these blog posts to slide off my to-do list shows that I haven’t been giving my business (and myself) the attention it and I deserve. Especially since I find that writing for myself inspires me and also motivates me in my client work, so it really is something I need to prioritize more.
So I’m going to try to post more consistently around here! I might not write about marketing content all the time either, and maybe not even about writing specifically. It’s my site, so I make the rules! I’m also going to be taking the week between Christmas and New Year’s off to relax and recharge. Every freelancer knows taking time off is tough, as it means you’re not bringing in any income during that time. But I haven’t taken more than a couple days off all year, and I know it’ll be good for me. Not that I’m going anywhere thanks to Covid. So besides resting, I’ve got some personal writing I’d like to do, and as well as some day trips to do some hiking and be out in nature—another thing that inspires and calms me.
Anyway. Here’s to more regular blog posts in 2021!